Exposition Dog Shows

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Exposition dog shows are events where purebred dogs are judged by competent and qualified people, the judges, who assess their merits and faults by referring to an ideal model described by the 'Breed Standard'.

Each dog is classified according to its 'typicality', given by the characteristics of the breed to which it belongs, which differ from breed to breed.
The dog that comes closest in morphological construction and temperament to the ideal model described in its standard wins. The most beautiful dog must therefore be the most 'typical' dog.

There are different types of exhibitions, local and regional, national, international and rallies. Usually organised by cynophile groups or specialised societies, recognised by the ENCI.

Judgments and ranking

The Classes

After examining the dog in "station", stationary on the spot and in motion, the judge makes a subjective judgement based on the judge's experience and expertise. According to ENCI regulations, he may award the qualifications.

My puppies' expos...

California Centouno Comix

Word Dog Show 2023 – Ginevra
24/08/2023 ****WORD HOPE WINNER ****

California Centouno Ciri Scotland Weyr

Word Dog Show 2023 – Ginevra  – 24/08/2023

****Very promising, 2 place – Minor Puppy****

World Dog Show 2023

Blue Sky

National Expo of Monza  – 16/09/2023

1 Exc, CAC, BOS

Asso di Cuori

International Expo of Lucca  – 03/06/2023


International Expo of di Pisa  – 04/06/2023



National Expo of Seveso  – 14/05/2023

2 Exc, CAC